The Global Financial Crisis

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS ), a Basel, Switzerland-based international organization that fosters cooperation between central banks and other agencies in pursuit of monetary and financial stability, has recently published a 216-page report that contains valuable insights into the…

The Singapore Central Provident Fund

Singapore became an independent nation in 1965 following a six-year period as a self-governing parliamentary democracy within the British Commonwealth and a prior thirteen-year period as a British colony following World War Two. It has a population of 4.84 million,…

Economic Recovery in Asia

The Royal Statistical Society cel­ebrated its 175th anniversary year in 2009. Founded in 1834 as the Statistical Society of London, it has a his­tory of progress and accomplishment in academic research and professional practice in the field of statistics. Celebration…

Strategies for Global Economic Recovery

The current global economic and financial crisis presents many oppor­tunities for economists to develop strategic initiatives that are designed to stimulate economic activity and acceler­ate the recovery process. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has developed spe­cific proposals and action plans…