The Age of Data Dependency: Policy by the Numbers

Economic and social policy decisions are increasingly becoming data-dependent. Specific key metrics and indicators are now being rigorously monitored as a precursor to decision-making in connection with public policy issues. While “management by objectives” techniques are well-established and widely practiced…

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is an international financial institution originally proposed by China. In Beijing on October 24, 2014, twenty-one nations signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that formally established the AIIB. In addition to China, the initial…

A Perspective on the Economics Profession

The Max Planck Sciences Po Center in Paris has published an insightful discussion paper with the title The Superiority of Economists. This paper, by three French academic authors, presents an in-depth analysis of the factors that distinguish the economics profession from…

Economic Outlook for 2014

The annual meeting of the American Economic Association (AEA) and allied social science associations, held in Philadelphia at the beginning of January, provided opportunities for economists to meet and present papers on a wide variety of timely topics. Access to…